This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
This is the Frontend project, with Express and nodejs
My bookstore website can issue different books and has multiple features.
This website works in a simple way. First of all, every person has to register themselves. After that, they can see the services, and also after that, they can easily file a complaint to the specific government body. In the common citizen section, they can easily fill out the complaint form.
Weather app made in reactjs using OpenWeather Api and GeoDbApi for city suggestions
The website provides a platform for users to search for exercises by body part, view exercise details, and watch related exercise videos using YouTube API from RapidAPI.
Coupon_code is a sophisticated coupon code management system built with ReactJS, Django, Django Rest Framework, and SQLite. Users can add, update, and delete their coupons effortlessly using this efficient platform.
It's a minimalist login in the Python language using the PyQt5 library.
User can add product description and the AI model will learn about it. Later it can be used by customers and clients to know about the product.
Basic Navbar using reactjs and no JSX